Thousand Trails Cherokee Landing
1385 Old State Line Road, Saulsbury, TN 38067Thousand Trails Cherokee Landing
1385 Old State Line Road, Saulsbury, TN 38067Follow the special directions below or enter a starting location for Google directions.
GPS Coordinates: N 35° 1'42.09" W 89° 1'40.84"; elevation is 346 feet.
Note: We have provided these coordinates for your information. However, we do not recommend using GPS to find our preserve. The GPS currently takes travelers coming west from Memphis or south from Mississippi to Brotherton Road. This is a narrow gravel road on which RVs run the risk of getting stuck. If you are coming from the Memphis, TN or Mississippi areas, use the applicable alternate route below.
From Jackson, TN: From Interstate 40 take 45 bypass south to Highway 18 south to Bolivar. At the second light in Bolivar (courthouse square) go through the light. You will be on 125 south to Middleton. Turn west on Highway 57 and go about 6.1 miles. Turn south on Old State Line road. Continue about 1.5 miles to the campground.
From Memphis, TN: Drive east to Collierville. Follow Highway 72 to Highway 7. Travel north on Highway 7. After crossing the state line, Highway 7 turns into Highway 18. Continue on Highway 18 to Grand Junction then continue east on Highway 57. Follow east about 12.6 miles. Turn south on Old State Line Road. Continue about 1.5 miles to the campground.
From Mississippi: Take I-55 (Grenada area) or I-78 (Tupelo area) north to Highway 7. Travel north on Highway 7. After crossing the state line, Highway 7 turns into Highway 18. Continue on Highway 18 to Grand Junction then continue east on Highway 57. Follow east about 12.6 miles. Turn south on Old State Line Road. Continue about 1.5 miles to the campground.
GPS Coordinates: N35°1'53.53"; W89°0'41.83"

TO: Cherokee Landing
1385 Old State Line Road, Saulsbury, TN 38067