Thousand Trails Scotrun
Route 611 Scotrun, PA 18355Thousand Trails Scotrun
Route 611 Scotrun, PA 18355Follow these special directions or enter starting location below to get Google map directions.
GPS Coordinates: W 41° 4'2.41" / W 75°19'11.89"
From The East: Take I-80 west to Exit 298 in Pennsylvania. Turn left onto Rt. 611 north one mile to campground on right.
From The West: Follow I-80 east to Exit 299. From the exit turn right and go to the second traffic light (junction Rt. 611 north). Turn left onto Rt. 611, go 2-1/2 miles to the campground entrance on the right.
From The South: Take the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike to Exit 56 (Allentown). Take Rt. 22 east 18 miles to Rt. 33 north. Take Rt. 33 north to I-80 west. Take I-80 west to Exit 298. Make a left onto Rt. 611 north and proceed one mile to campground entrance on the right.
GPS Coordinates: N41°4'1.84"; W75°19'10.64"

TO: Scotrun
Route 611 Scotrun, PA 18355