Thousand Trails Kenisee Lake
2021 Mill Creek Rd Jefferson, OH 44047Thousand Trails Kenisee Lake
2021 Mill Creek Rd Jefferson, OH 44047 Some GPS mapping software and online maps are not accurate for driving directions to Kenisee Lake. The directions below are the most current, accurate information you will find and are geared toward RVers and those who may be towing trailers.
From the east or west: Take I-90 to State Route 45. Turn south. Go to the 2nd red light at Route 307 and turn left. Continue 1.1 mile to Forman Road on your right, turn right. Go 3.2 miles on Forman Road to Mill Creek Road, turn left. Park entrance is .7 mile down on the left.
If you miss the turn at Route 307, you can continue down State Route 45, (do not turn left onto Mill Creek as you will encounter a low clearance bridge). Continue .5 mile down to Jefferson Eagleville Road. Turn left. Go approximately ½ mile then turn left onto Forman Road. Continue until you see the sign for Encore/Thousand Trails and turn right onto Mill Creek. Park entrance is .7 mile down on the left.
NOTE: There is a low clearance bridge on Mill Creek Road between State Route 45 and Forman. DO NOT follow GPS or Mapquest directions as they will lead you into the bridge.
GPS Coordinates: N41°43'56.04"; W80°49'23.68"

TO: Kenisee Lake
2021 Mill Creek Rd Jefferson, OH 44047