Thousand Trails Oakzanita Springs
11053 Highway 79, Descanso, CA 91916Thousand Trails Oakzanita Springs
11053 Highway 79, Descanso, CA 91916Get Directions
We do not advise that large RVs use our campground entrance when coming from the south on Highway 79 (northbound from I-8). Entering the campground from that direction will cause drivers to make a very sharp right turn on a limited visibility curve. Instead, we advise northbound drivers of larger RVs, rigs with tow vehicles or rigs with a limited turning radius to continue north approximately two miles past our entrance to the large paved rest area on the right (i.e. entrance to Harvey Moore Trail/East Side Trail Loop for Cuyamaca Rancho State Park). Use the large paved rest area to make a u-turn and head back south on Highway 79 for a straight entry to the campground. See this map for additional details.
GPS Coordinates: N32°52'59.64"; W116°34'29.3"

TO: Oakzanita Springs
11053 Highway 79, Descanso, CA 91916